

 I’ve been a fan of Michael Jackson’s music as long as I can remember. His songs were a large part of the soundtrack of my childhood.  I enjoyed having pretty young parents who listened to popular music all the time.  Whether in the car or in the house, a radio was always on.  My mom loves to tell stories of me, at age 4, standing on the seat of an old organ we had singing “Walking on Sunshine” while it played on MTV or me singing “Super Fweak” in the car (yeah, nice choice on that one! lol) Inevitably, at the ripe old age of 5, my favorites were Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper. I still have my Thriller t-shirt!

So, I was really saddened to hear of his passing last week. It was very surreal.  I admit, I haven’t paid much attention to MJ these past few years.  We got his last album (Invincible) and it was okay. But I was and always will be a fan of his earlier music.  He really was a genius and a pioneer with an incredible gift. And of course he was also a wounded soul whose pain was lived out in front of the entire world.  I imagine that had to have contributed to his untimely passing.

I got to thinking of my favorite Michael Jackson memory, and I immediately thought of my 11th birthday. My sister, Heather and I both have June birthdays, only 3 days apart.  We usually always shared birthday parties, and the year I turned 11 and she turned 8, mom and dad were crazy enough to allos us to have a joint slumber party.

I sort of cringe imagining the slumber parties in my future as they always seems to go down the same path.  Sure it always starts out fun, but inevitably ends in someone crying, someone begging to go home, someone tattling, or an angry, tired parent bellowing at the gaggle of giggling girls to be quiet! Yeah, that’s pretty much how it went that night too.  But it was still the coolest slumber party because mom got the new Moonwalker video for us to watch.  For those who don’t remember, Moonwalker was as Michael Jackson film with concert footage and a series of mini-movies, including a kids version of Bad. And to us, it was Bad!  We loved it!  I wonder how dorky I would think it was if I watched it now. Still, it made my 11th one of the best birthdays ever. 🙂

So, goodbye Mr. Jackson.  I truly hope you do rest in peace. After all of the hullabaloo dies down, I hope you’ll be remembered and celebrated not for your eccentricities, spending habits or legal drama but for your music and charity work.

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